Monday, March 7, 2016

Waste Not, Want Not - A Minimalist Take on Zero Waste

An important part of being a minimalist is recognizing the effects our consumer habits have on our lives. But while we make our internal space cleaner and clutter free, we are essentially adding to the waste of oceans and landfills in our external space. If we can learn how to take ownership of the waste we create, we can help to alleviate the problem through the choices we make on a daily basis.


Coffee press

This is a big one for me because it upsets me so to see people who use coffee makers that use plastic pods. The convenience of the coffee makers makes them a popular choice, but those plastic coffee pods are probably the worst possible way to make coffee when it comes to the waste you are creating. Plus, shooting hot water through plastic is basically drinking chemicals. Slightly better are coffee makers that require a filter. While paper filters are quick to decompose, there is actually an even better option available in the form of a french press. Because they have a mesh filter, you can save money and the environment by not needing a disposable paper version.

Coffee grounds for face mask

You are probably wondering how making coffee could be zero waste since there is always coffee grounds left over. The good news is the coffee grounds can be used to make a face scrub. Here is the recipe:

  • 4 Tablespoons coconut, olive, or preferred oil
  • 6 Tablespoons very finely ground used coffee
Mix together and store in an airtight container in the fridge and it will keep for a week.

Eat fresh food without packaging

This one is pretty self explanatory. If you use fresh ingredients, especially ones from the farmers market, you will not have any cans, plastic wrap or lids to trash. Any peels or seeds can be composted.


Keep a miniature compost bin on your kitchen counter to collect food waste to take to the compost pile/bin when it gets full. Just remember that meat cannot be composted.


Pay bills online

It's quicker and paperless. Another important aspect of this method is you are keeping those envelopes with plastic windows out of your home. Those plastic windows contain BPA and if you throw them in the recycle bin, they contaminate all the recycled waste with BPA. This is something to keep in mind if you are purchasing recycled products, like toilet paper, that you use on your body.

Cancel subscriptions/catalogs

You don't need those things anyway because anything you bring into the home has to replace something you already have.

Ask for reusable coffee cups

When visiting coffee shops, ask for your latte in a ceramic mug to save from the waste created from a paper disposable cup. 

Use reusable bags

If you reuse your bags, you won't bring bags into your home. Take extras to give to the person in line behind you and start the trend!

Decline receipts

Those receipts that turn black when exposed to the sun contain BPA in the ink. If you decline the receipt, you are keeping that BPA off of your hands. Most companies now offer the option to email your receipt.


Collect water in watering can

I tend to get a glass of water and set it somewhere then forget where I left it. One way to keep from wasting that water is to keep a watering can that you pour the old water into to water your plants with.

Rain barrel

Keep a rain barrel to collect rain water to water your plants. You can also use this water to water your indoor plants with a watering can.

Drink tap water

It's free and doesn't come in a wasteful bottle! Not to mention the plastic chemicals that could have leached into your water during the shipment process if the delivery truck got hot enough.

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