Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Minimalist Budget

Living with less can help you save money when you don't have as many things to care for and maintain. But being a minimalist also forces you to reevaluate your spending habits. The last thing you want to do is spend time getting rid of clutter only to turn around and buy replacements for everything.

Here is a look at some ways you can save money and live on a minimalist budget.


Order water

If you plan to eat out, skip the soda or alcohol and instead opt for water. It's a free and healthier option.

Cook from scratch

Have you ever looked at the cost difference between a bag of shredded cheese and a block of cheese? Not only is the block of cheese cheaper but it has more ounces in it. It may take longer to shred the cheese yourself, but the money you save will add up in the long run.

Use up pantry

Before you make another grocery store run, take stock of what you have in your pantry. You may find that if you get creative, you could plan a meal for a week with the ingredients you already have on hand.

Get a basket instead of a cart

Just as eating off a smaller plate keeps you from overeating, shopping with a hand basket instead of a shopping cart has the same effect. Not only will having less room keep you from throwing unnecessary things into it that weren't on your shopping list, but the weight of having to carry all those things is another incentive to keep it light.

Stick to your shopping list or only take limited cash

Another way to keep from purchasing things that are not on your shopping list is to only take enough cash to cover the cost of the items on your list. Keep in mind that cash is money that is actually there while a credit line is not.


Make your own cleaners and personal care products

Not only are household cleaners dangerously toxic, but there's nothing a little vinegar and baking soda can't clean for a lot cheaper. Why store all those different cleaners when you can have an all-purpose one that doesn't make you cough from all the added chemicals?

Fix broken things

Simple things like sewing a button back on or darning a sock can save you money in the long run and keep clothing out of the landfill. 

Hang dry clothes

If you don't have a clothing line in your backyard, you can find clothing racks that can be folded and stored away when not in use.

Turn down the heater/air conditioner

At night when you are warm under the covers, set your home temperature between 50 and 60 degrees to save money on heating and cooling. When the weather is comfortable, turn off your heating and cooling completely and rely on open windows and ceiling fans to regulate the temperature.

Walk everywhere

If you live in walking distance to places you frequent, think about walking instead of driving. This routine will not only save you money on gas, but will also help you get exercise and fresh air.


Make use of credit card rewards

Although cash is the recommended form of payment for purchases, you obviously cannot pay for online purchases with cash. If you are going to have a credit card for these transactions, make sure it's one you will get rewards on in the form of cash back.

Unsubscribe from catalogs and emails

Out of sight, out of mind. If you don't see it, how will you know you want it? Save trees and money by asking companies to remove you from their snail mail list.

Pay bills online

Save from having to buy stamps by paying bills online.

Utilize the library for books & movies

Only buy books or movies that you know you will read more than once. For all other books and movies, put those tax dollars to work and check it out from the library.

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