Thursday, March 23, 2017

Hygge for the Minimalist

Over the last year, the word Hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) has been the newest way of living as the idea of minimalism becomes old news. You may have heard by now that this Danish way of living is all about being cozy at home. It's a very broad term, and could mean anything from lighting candles, curling up with a blanket and a book by the fire or opening the windows to let the fresh air in. But for the minimalist wanting to incorporate hygge, it's important to remember that you don't need to buy a candle, blanket or book to be cozy and happy.

Here I've compiled a list of ways minimalists who are interested in this way of living can buy into the concept of hygge without actually buying anything.

1. The Entertainer

There's not many things that will make a home cozier than having friends and family over for a gathering. Even better is when the food preparation and clean-up  is shared by all. If the weather is lovely, take the dinner party outdoors where stories can be shared late into the night and under the stars. You can enjoy any leftover flowers and wine guests brought the next day, which will also be a little reminder of how lucky you are to have those people in your life.

2. The Baker

There's something so hygge about the smell of fresh baked bread or chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven. If you love to bake, grab your favorite cookbook and find a recipe you already have ingredients for and get in your cozy zone. You can even double the recipe and share your goods with a neighbor.

3. The Weekender

Weekends can be slow and hygge, as they should be. You don't have to tackle that to-do list or even leave the house for that matter if that is your cozy. Put the digital gadgets away and read a book or magazine for a change and indulge in your favorite comfort food. The world will not end if you don't check your email every 5 minutes.

4. The Relaxer

When was the last time you soaked in the bathtub until your fingers and toes were wrinkly? Baths are not just for children, and your muscles deserve to relax for a while. Take care of yourself and indulge in a warm bath with a little bit of scented bath salts or bath bubbles. It doesn't get much more hygge than that.

5. The Gardner

Unless you spend the entire day outside in your garden, then you're not enjoying your hard work as you should be. Grab the scissors and cut some flowers to bring hygge inside and enjoy in your home. If you have an abundance of flowers, bring some cozy to some to your friends as a gift to share the wealth of beauty you've grown and nurtured.