Saturday, July 11, 2015

Kansas City Breakfast Top 5

They say breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. It also just happens to be my personal favorite. I could eat breakfast food for all three meals of the day if I could. And if you're an early bird like me, you'll want to get out and enjoy the best places in Kansas City in the quiet hours of the morning before the world wakes up. While there are many more great places than what made this list, I tried to pick a variety of places I thought someone visiting Kansas City for a short time wouldn't want to miss.

5. Happy Gillis Cafe and Hangout - 549 Gillis St. Kansas City, Mo. 64106

Happy Gillis is a little corner cafe in the Columbus Park neighborhood. They have a simple breakfast menu (only 5 things) that highlights the customer favorites including biscuits and gravy and gravy & grits. They use ingredients from local farms and coffee from Kansas City's Broadway Roasting Co.

Happy Gillis has a warm and inviting style which includes a decorative plate wall, vintage tables and mismatched salt and pepper shakers that adorn each table. They also have hand thrown coffee mugs created by a local artist that have their name stamped into them; each one unique and a different color.

For menu, hours and directions:

4. Port Fonda - 4141 Pennsylvania Ave. Kansas City, Mo. 64111

Port Fonda is a Mexican restaurant in the Westport area that was designed by the husband and wife team of Utilitarian Workshop. The restaurant serves brunch with an assortment of menu options like 'chimichanga and fried egg' for the adventurous eater or the 'Port Fonda breakfast' which is 2 eggs, local pig mexican breakfast sausage links, frijoles, fried potatoes, pico de gallo, corn tortillas for the more traditional eater.

For menu, hours and directions:

3. Westport Cafe - 419 Westport Rd. Kansas City, Mo. 64111

Westport Cafe is a French restaurant that serves brunch. The setting is romantic with exposed brick walls and checkered floor tiles. Their brunch menu items included lemon ricotta pancakes, brioche french toast and crepe Madame. If that list of menu items didn't already seal the deal for you, they also throw in a complimentary Bellini, mimosa, Bloody Mary, coffee or soft drink with each brunch entree.

For menu, hours and directions:

2. Little Freshie - 811 W. 17th St. Kansas City, Mo. 64108

Little Freshie is located in the Westside neighborhood of Kansas City. It's a place known for its snow cones and natural sodas but is also a wonderful breakfast spot. Besides the standard coffee and scones they normally have, they also had a special waffle breakfast last summer where people could vote on their Facebook page about which type of specialty waffle would be served.

For menu, hours and directions:

1. Heirloom Bakery & Hearth - 401 E. 63rd St. Kansas City, Mo. 64110

Heirloom Bakery is the newest place on the list and is also designed by the talented Utilitarian Workshop. Since it's recent opening it has consistently had lines out the door and a crowded dining area. The husband and wife team that is Heirloom Bakery had built up a following before the conception of their Brookside location with a booth at the local farmers market that would sell out of bakery items within hours. Their coffee is from Kansas City roasters Thou Mauest and their tables are decorated with fresh flowers by their neighbors from Flowers by Design.

For menu, hours and directions:

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